JESSE - Female Beagle

Hello. My name is Jesse and I am a tiny female beagle on a NEW mission to find a person who will love me forever. My first owner could no longer take care of me so I ended up in Rescue with Penny Angels. After a few months passed I thought that I had found a permanent place to live but things just didn t work out so I will be coming back to Penny Angels on Oct 29 and will have to start my home search all over again. I won t let it get me down though because I know that the right person or family is just waiting to love me I am 5 years old and only weigh about 18 lbs. so I can practically fit in your pocket I am a very sweet girl that is good with other dogs. I have an adorable overbite that just adds to my cuteness You can tell by looking at me that I didn t have an easy life before arriving in Rescue but once you meet me you realize that none of that matters to me because I know that things are going to get better especially when I find my new and FOREVER home If you are interested in adopting a gentle & loving gal please fill out an application and submit it to Penny Angels. An application can be obtained by visiting our web site at -.-------XX.-. If you have any questions please contact ---X(at)---XX or --(at)--X or call Penny Angels Beagle Rescue at -----X. Thank you ... More Info



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