Gumby - Male Labrador Retriever Mix

Hi I m Gumby. I was part of a shelter Transfer from El Farro in Puerto Rico back in April 2016. At the time of my arrival I was having a bloody nose almost daily. After MULTIPLE tests it was found I had a TVT in my nose (a type of Cancer that is actually transmitted from other infected dogs). I have been going to Red Bank animal hospital in Tinton Falls for chemotherapy treatments. Last week 9 28 16 was my last treatment Want to know something spectacular I M NOW CANCER FREE I ve been in a shelter my whole life and am craving to call a place my FURever home with people I can call my family. I would do well in a home with a big fenced in back yard because I love to run around and play. Since the attention has never been on me before I would like to be the only dog in the home so I can finally receive the love I ve been longing for my whole life My friends here at HSAC suggest me going to a home with kids the age of 10 and up because I get very excited when I play and can be jumpy and mouthy. I m just so excited I M CANCER FREE Can you blame me Primary Color Black Secondary Color White Age 2yrs 5mths 2wks... More Info



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