KeyTrust Properties Paula Ricks. Beautiful Home in Gated Cypress

535 Florence Dr Madison MS 362 340.00 535 Florence Dr Madison MS 39110 30 Photos 4 Bed 3.0 Bath 2970 SF Tour 3154224Open House Sun Sep 8 2 00pm to 4 00pm Beautiful gated Cypress Lake off Highland Colony Parkway in Madison. Easy access to schools restaurants shopping and more. Easy access to the interstate for a stress free commute. Located on a cul-de-sac this 4 bedroom 3 bath home PLUS office sits on a lot with undeveloped land behind it offering lots of privacy peace and quiet The home features ceramic tile and wooden floors carpet in bedrooms 2 3 and 4. Split plan with 3 bedrooms on one side and one bedroom and bath on the other. The living room and keeping room both have fireplaces. The kitchen features an island gas cooktop double ovens breakfast bar breakfast room walk in pantry. Laundry room with sink. Separate formal dining room. Drop zone just inside garage door entrance to home for dropping backpacks coats purses shoes Freshly painted inside and out. Beautifully landscaped yard. The backyard is SO relaxing and there s even room to add a pool. Neighborhood offers optional club membership. Call your Realtor For more information please contact Paula RicksKeyTrust Properties Paula RicksRidgeland MS 601-942-3392 Information supplied by sellers. Deemed reliable but not guaranteed.



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