Labrador Retriever

AKC Labrador Retriever puppies These are great girls born July 25 and will be ready for their new humans September 12. OneYellow and one black female. They have been vet checked twice and have their six week shots. They have been wormed twice and have had their dew claws removed. Parents have OFA certifications and have pedigrees that will allow these pups to become an excellent hunter or make a great fireplace Lab. They are socialized and paper trained already. They are started in actual fetching and playing with balls. You will be able to make this puppy into whatever you desire. References are available if requested as many of our puppies are living all over TN and KY. Contact us at (H) 931-857-4073 (C)931-581-8373.Please visit our web page . Thanks for reading this ad.



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