Buster Biggs - Male Domestic Shorthair

Buster Biggs is a big black cat who loves having his face rubbed and ears scratched. He is about 9 years old. He is friendly and mellow. As soon as he has his face rubbed he wants more petting. He will nuzzle and head-butt for more pets but needs time to adjust to a new home. He will hide at first till he knows the coast is clear. Buster is an older gentleman looking for a nice warm spot in a sunny window. He loves the feather toys. He was fending for himself in a feral colony before being rescued. He is healthy and good with his litter box. He will be fine as a single cat cat that is indoor only or indoor outdoor in a calm home without small children. Older children are ok. He is fine with other cats but does not like dogs.Buster is vaccinated tested negative for FIV and Feline Leukemia and is microchipped.Buster is in Very Urgent need of a foster home until he finds his forever home as his current foster person is moving out of state. If you can foster or adopt Buster Biggs please call - ---X or Joetta at - ---X. Please give Buster a chance.... More Info



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