Loving Chinchillas for sale

Kuala and Panda are in need of a loving new home -They are forever partners so we will only send them to a home willing to keep them together. -Kuala is a standard gray male and he is 4 years old.-Panda is a Black Velvet female and she is 2 years old. -They are VERY precious to us but sadly we have come to terms with the fact that our crazy busy family just does not have time to give them the attention that they deserve.-We would prefer the new home our chinchillas go to does not have young children (that being the major reason for finding them a new home)Some key facts about Kuala and Panda -They are very loving and friendly- LOVE having their cage in our family room to watch the action around the house.-They get along well with other animals (Kuala and our kitty are best buddies) they play wrestle ext.- We let them out in our house to run around and play as well as out on our deck with our supervision.- They insist on their cage being a clean environment. I clean it once a week and vacuum it every other day. - There food bedding treats volcano ash and lots of new toys regularly. They can become costly so please only someone willing to spoil them like we do - We only feed them pellets organic hay fresh organic raisins and carrots because they have sensitive tummies.- We have NEVER been bitten by either of them. (Only nibbled on for treats)- We have two small children so they are very used to chaos going on around them.- Panda and Kuala are not fixed they have had one successful pregnancy and birth. - They are both very healthy and both have had a recent Physicals at the vet. Kuala in June 2015 and Panda in July 2015. (be prepared to pay exotic animal prices)-They loved to be talked to and know things such as their names.- We ONLY clean their cage with organic Cleaners such as vinegar.- They both potty in litter boxes (little poo pellets are uncontrollable) What will they come with -The two fluff balls of course - a very nice huge 4 level cage with French opening doors (bought 1 year ago for 350)- 3 houses inside the cage- perches - 2 litter boxes - 2 glass water bottles- 2 pieces of granite for the floors in the cage (to keep them cool)- Toys- 2 bowls for food- Hay bowl that hooks to cage- Jar for them to bath in as well as some volcano ash- Huge everything you need to know handbook all about chinchillas.- 2 collars with bells (we only put on when they are roaming around our house)-1 harness and leash-Blankets for the colder months- Their current sunflower brand food also a bag of hayWe are asking 650 for everything. We Hope to find an animal lover that thinks of pets as family and will give them a humble loving environment. Please feel free to ask as many questions as you need Thank you < 3



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