Large reptile enclosure stack bearded dragons and all supplies p

PLEASE READ EVERYTHING THAT IS INCLUDED Selling everything listed below for 2 700Four amazing beardies. Two girls two boys. All are about 1 1 2 years old very healthy. The top row is the girls bottom is the boys. The girls have shared the enclosure since juveniles and get along very well. All the dragons have big personalitys. I would like the girls to stay together if possible but the boys can be sold seperately. They have been on car rides walks outside baths swimming handled alot and allowed to roam freely in the house when Im home. (The dragons all together cost me 800) They are great dragons I just dont have the time anymore and they deserve to be pamperedCustom Reptile Stacked EnclosureEach enclosure is 4ft x 2ft x 2ft and has a screened vent a bulb socket and an outlet with two plugs. The doors fold down and they lock shut. There are hooks on the top to hang lights. There is a light switch that controls all the enclosure power and it is a single plug in. I currently am using it to house my beardies and will need to sell them before it can be picked up. With that said it is used and has some signs of that such as dirt stains and such but nothing that cant be cleaned or covered with bedding. ( This is a custom enclosure you will pay 2 500 MINIMUM for anywhere else) I also have - A large tote of healthy dubia roach colony with enough to steadily feed 4 dragons- Water Crystals- A extra large box of egg crates- A few eco earth bricks plus extra loose eco earth- feeding bowls water bowls-large bucket of calcium some reptivite vitamins etc. - over 20 clean natural rocks and wood decorations (they make awesome caves) - 3 LED reptisun lights ( one hanging cable broke one needs a new uvb) ( these cost 150 each- granted they are worn so I didnt include this in the price) -3 extra deep dome lamps- a chicken coop they like to play in Basically anything you could ever need for bearded dragons is included in this bundle. I would love to sell everything all together but email for individual prices. Email me for details or questions. Serious inquiries only. YOU MUST PICK UP and bring a friend because the enclosure is heavy. CASH ONLY



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