Pico - Male Westie West Highland White TerrierMiniature Schnauze

We will be at the Palo Alto Pet Food Express Saturday November 7th & Sunday Nov. 8th from 12-4pm. If you are interested in a dog please first read the biography on the dog (keep scrolling down for the bio ) and then go to our website -.---.- for an application. We do not have a facility. All dogs live in foster homes. Arrangements to meet dogs occur after an approved application has been accepted. We do not ship our dogs for any reason. Our adoption fee is 400 for each dog puppy. If it is on a weekend of our adoptions follow us on (at)DPSRescue on Twitter to get real time updates on our adoptions. We will also post at the end of the evening the names of those dogs who have been adopted -.--XX.- DPSRescueThis dog will be at Palo Alto Pet Food Express on Saturday Nov. 7th & Sunday Nov. 8th from 12-4pm or until adopted. If you would like the first opportunity to adopt please fill out an application to be considered. Pico is a 17 week old Westie-Schnauzer mix who is a tiny little guy who weighs 7lbs. But don t let his tiny stature fool you. He s all personality. He is playful and full of life. He is ready to greet every day with his bright shining personality Pico is very sweet and lovable. He is a snuggly little one. He is a cuddler and a snuggler. Pico currently lives with other dogs. He loves playing with them. He is very friendly and outgoing. He could easily go to the dog park or doggy day camp. He would be a hit at work where dogs are welcomed. He would love to go from office to office or to hang out with his person at their cubicle. He loves to hang out with his people. In fact if given the choice he will sleep with them. He has lived with two younger kids. He loved and adored them. He got along famously with their dog. Pico gets along well with his foster kittens in his home as well. Pico is not a nuisance barker. He is crate trained. He loves to play with toys. This is one heck of a puppy We will be looking for a home that has had a dog in the last 5 years. Pico is cat-tested and approved. A healthy pet is a happy pet Protect your pet s health with Healthy Paws Pet Insurance and save up to 90% on your vet bills. Visit -.-------XX.- for your free quote (use code DPSRescue for a special discount) and learn how your protected pet helps save more homeless pets Not all of our dogs go to each adoption event. We want to make sure if you are interested in a dog that we have the dog at adoptions but that can only happen if you fill out an application ahead of time and are pre-approved. (Generally this must happen prior to the weekend) If you are wanting to submit an application within 24 hours of an event please print off the application and bring with you as well as submitting it. You may still submit it and if time and volunteers permit we will contact you. Most applications submitted the weekend of adoptions are not responded to until after the adoption weekend.... More Info



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