Union Ambulance is looking for unique individuals to provide services transportation to end of life care patients. Administer first-aid treatment and life-support to care for the sick or injured persons in prehospital setting. Perform emergency diagnostic and treatment procedures such as stomach suction airway managment or heart monitoring during ambulance ride. Observe record and report to physician the patient s condition or injury the treatment provided and reactions to drugs and treatment. Immobilize patient for placement on stretcher and ambulance transport using backboard or other spinal immobilization device. Maintain vehicles and medical communication equipmnent and replenish first-aid equipment and supplies. Assess nature and extent of illness or injury to establish and prioritize medical procedures. Communicate with dispatchers and treatment center personnel to provide information about situation to arrange reception of victims and to receive instructions for further treatment. Comfort and reassure patients. Decontaminate ambulance interior following treatment of patient with infectious disease and report case to proper authorities. Operate equipment such as electrocadiograms (EKG s) external defibrillators and bag-valve mask resuscitators in advanced life-support environments. If interested in this position please go to our website to download the application www.unionambulance.net and forward the application to sritchey(at)unionambulance.net



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