Dog Deluxe Bench Seat Cover

Features Dimensions 56 x 47 heavy-gauge fabric that is soft to the touch yet wears like iron. Treated with Stain-Blok Padded & quilted for a soft cushion Attractive styling with classic colors and accent trim. Multiple attachment points Adjustable straps and two Sta-Put devices keep the cover firmly in place in ALL VEHICLES. Machine Washable One year warranty. Let your pet ride in style The Solvit Deluxe Bench Seat Cover combines luxury and protection. The padded & quilted construction provides a soft cushion while protecting the back seat from dirt dander and spills . Made from SOLViTEX a heavy fabric that is soft to the touch yet wears like iron. Attractive styling with classic colors and accent trim. Multiple attachment points adjustable straps and two Sta-Put devices keep the cover firmly in place in ALL VEHICLES. Because it is quilted the Deluxe Cover is not waterproof but it is treated with Stain-Blok .



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