NYONG / Live-in Caregiver Available for Live-in Caregiver...

NYONG Live-in Caregiver Available for Live-in Caregiver Certified RN Available for Live-in Caregiver Nanny We have available NYONG (Nigerian) a Certified Registered Nurse & Midwife from Jamaica seeking a placement for eldercare and or childcare she has over 20 years of nursing experience and will apply her professional skills to caring for your family. Nyong hobbies include swimming and reading hobbies that can be included in your family s activities. She can be interview through Skype or a phone connection and is available for a 2 to 3 year contract. Her resume is available for your viewing SAPPHIRE PERSONNEL Inc. is an Employment Referral & Recruiting Agency matching qualified local and foreign skilled workers with industrial companies across Canada and caregivers with families seeking care for their loved ones both private and institutionalized. www.sapphirepersonnel.ca 416-635-6269



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