Osha - Female Domestic Shorthair Mix

Though she s shy Osha s adorable speckled nose wide curious eyes and playful nature are sure to charm you Young Osha was found abandoned with her brother and sisters fending for herself. As a result Osha is still getting used to being petted and handled but will happily take treats and if you re patient will start purring during a petting session.Like most young cats her age Osha loves to play She can often be found stalking one of her siblings batting a feather around the room or having a good friendly wrestle with a cat friend. She s also the most curious of her siblings and is usually the first to investigate new items.Though Osha will probably always be a shy cat a patient guardian committed to helping her come out of her shell will go a long way and a supportive cat friend in her new home wouldn t hurt either.Are you the special kind of cat person Osha needs Come meet her at the Sunshine Coast BCSPCA Primary Color Calico Secondary Color White Age 0yrs 7mths 2wks... More Info



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