Shop Supervisor - Truck Care - Goodyear - JR-40031990

As a Shop Supervisor you will perform supervisor duties for a Truck Care Center which is an on-highway location providing light mechanical service and tire service to the Commercial Trucking industry. Responsibilities will include but not be limited to Providing exceptional customer service to ensure long term growth in sales and profits. Delivering quality work every time. Communicating with internal and external customers. Should facilitate communications throughout the center while working closely with the General Manager. The Shop Supervisor is expected to assist in technical areas as needed. Working to ensure center profitability. Ensuring inventory is secured stored and only accessible to the associates in accordance with company guidelines. Assisting with training coaching and development of associates. Setting schedules so the center location is properly staffed with qualified personnel. Coordinating daily work duties by communicating specific work assignments and responsibilities to associates and holding them accountable. Working with and training staff in add-on sales and tire selling skills. Ensuring an atmosphere of professionalism exists at all times. Complying with all safety policies and practices. Implementing programs and procedures to ensure the safety of associates and customers. Ensuring service bays part and tire areas are clean well maintained and organized. All other duties as assigned by management. REQUIREMENTS High School Diploma or GED desired (Vocational School a plus). At least one year of relevant experience in diagnostic problem solving and repair work (Service and or management experience is preferred). Good computer skills. Good oral and written communication ability. Must be willing to follow all safety procedures and work in a safe manner. Must be able to work in a results-oriented fast-paced environment as part of a team. Must be a self-starter and willing to take the initiative able and willing to work without direct supervision and be willing to attend appropriate training sessions. Must be willing to work scheduled shifts including nights and weekends. Must have a valid driver s license for the type of vehicle required for the position and be able to meet commercial driver qualification requirements including be at least 21 years of age. Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities Women Protected Veterans Disabled. Apply at link s srccsh RTI.home r 5000407385010& c 8& d _dissimuloSSO NkErNPOA99k Vh7C85AsFU0jczNd9dVg6I9BBx0& rb CLASSIFIEDADS



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