Dixie - Female Australian Cattle Dog Mix

Dixie is a sweet old girl came to us in rough shape she was missing fur and her skin looked terrible we found she is allergic to grains in her diet so she will have to be on a grain free diet. Dixie has been living with a staff member but her other dogs are not very nice to her so she is looking for a new home for her where she can be the only dog or with another elderly dog or cats she doesn t mind cats. She is non - destructive so she can be left alone in the house while your out but she can t hold it for more than 4 hours so she should be with someone that is retired or part retired. Dixie can t be left outside to long because she is going deaf and wants to bark at anything outside but she is quiet inside and only wants a nice comfy bed to curl up in and some loving. If you would like a senior girl as a lovely companion she could be the one If you are interested in Dixie please call the shelter or email them for a meeting as she will be living at the staff members home till she has found a home. Primary Color White Secondary Color Black Weight 29.5 Age 13yrs 2mths 0wks... More Info



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