Milkshake - Female Polish Mix

We have MANY more bunnies that have not yet been listed. Please fill out an application on our website -.--XX.- and we will schedule an appointment for you to visit our adoption center The Bunny House in Fenton Missouri. Milkshake is a curious Polish mix female. She can be shy in her cage but warms up once she meets you. She is easy to handle and hold. Milkshake is spayed and litterbox trained. She would do well with teens and adults and may work as a bondmate. Please make her a part of your family.Our bunnies are available for adoption in person by appointment at our adoption center in Fenton MO but you can meet a few bunnies and get some great information at the following locations and times PETSMART Saturday August 13 Petsmart - Manchester - 11 am - 4 pm 131 Highland Blvd Drive Manchester 63011. Phone -----X Saturday August 20Petsmart - Brentwood - 11 am - 4 pm - 62 Brentwood Promenade Ct. Brentwood 63144. Phone -----X Saturday August 27 Petsmart - Chesterfield - 11 am - 4 pm - 262 THF Blvd Chesterfield 63005 Phone -----X TO VISIT OUR ADOPTION CENTER GO TO OUR WEBSITE WWW.HRSMOSTL.ORG FILL OUT A SHORT APPLICATION AND E-MAIL IT TO US AT --(at)---XX. WE WILL SCHEDULE A VISIT FOR YOU TO MEET OVER 100 WONDERFUL BUNNIES ... More Info



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