Piper - Retriever (Unknown Type) Mix

We do not ship animals If you want to adopt one of our animals you must come to Oklahoma to get them up.Piper is an adorable spayed 12-14 week old Retriever mix. She will have age appropriate shots microchipped and be on heartworm preventative. Piper is very shy. She will need a family willing to work to build confidence. Since she is so shy we would prefer her to go to a home with older children and a confident outgoing canine playmate. She must have a fenced yard for her safety. Pipers adoption fee is 95.00 and she will be ready to go to a new home after March 7th If You are interested in meeting one of our animals please fill out this form. -XX ---------.---.- adoption-application This link will not open on all sites you can also email ----XX(at)--- Most of our dogs are being fostered in Stillwater Ok. ... More Info



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