Laz Boy Recliner - Price: $ 250.00

Perfect Condition less than one year old. Softtouch Palomino color (Off Creamy white) . Reclining as well as Lift Assist. Original price 600.00asking 250.00 OBO. Buyer must pick up chair and cash on delivery. For TV watching the seat glides while the footrest raises your feet keeping the back of the chair angled at 90 . This design reduces friction and discomfort. MaxiComfort provides ergonomic upper body positioning in an effort to minimize neck and shoulder strain. MaxiComfort power recline system glides into the perfect sleep position with the touch of a button. The Trendelenburg position is great for the ultimate back stretch as well as improving circulation. This position raises the feet above the head increasing blood flow in the lower extremities. Many doctors prescribe the therapeutic benefits of the Trendelenburg position for congestive heart failure edema or other circulatory conditions where patients need to raise their legs above their heart for certain periods of time each day. MaxiComfort chairs easily take you to the pressure-free comfort of the zero-gravity position. The spine hip and knee joints are on the balanced midpoint of the muscles. With the MaxiComfort power recline system the seat moves up and down to pivot your hips into this physically beneficial zero-gravity position. Spinal pressure and muscle tension are relieved circulation is improved and feelings of fatigue melt away. Please call Shawn at 630-930-4760



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