Rental close to UT that takes pets - Price: 400-850

What we are looking for We are looking to sign a 6 month or year lease starting mid-may or no later than August 1st. We require that it be approximately 3.5 miles from UT as we try to stay healthy and enjoy a good walk. (We will be walking biking to school in the warmer months.) I ve read that this is not concidered a good neighborhood but it s fine for what we seek. We are open to apartments housing or sharing with another couple or roommate. Any 2-3 bedroom situations we would like to be allowed to sublease to a fellow student vet. We will be paying the first 4 months up front as a show of good faith although we have good credit. Things we would like to see at our new place but are not deal breakers are as follows.No houses that are completely falling apart. We just remodeled our own home to rent in Minot and would like a house that is already livable. Small repairs are no big thing but we do not expect to have to remodel everything. We would like a fenced yard (or yard period) but we regularly walk our pets and it is not mandatory. A must have is our own washer and dryer hook-ups instead of sharing with a whole building. Also if we share with a couple must have storage space as we will be bringing a whole house with us. We put 500 as a starting place but anything from 200- 900 will be considered. I will be visiting the area before we move to see any properties. About us My husband and I are relocating from ND to Toledo to attend school. We are in our mid 20 s and have postponed school to serve our country. We have no children and are not planning any. I was honorably discharged in Oct. and he will be getting out in late May. We will be moving from our home with our 2 cats and 2 dogs. It sounds like a handful but they were raised as part of our family and we are unwilling to seperate from them. They are all potty-trained and very well behaved. All will all be neutered and chipped before the move. The dogs like us will be attending available classes until they achieve their good citizens awards. We are a quiet couple non-smokers non-drinkers (except on the rare occasion) who like to get involved in our communities. We will be working part-time jobs throughout the year and volunteering in our spare time as we like to give back to the community. My name is Laura and I can be contacted via e-mail at lmscott6098(at) Please serious replies only. Spam will be reported.



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