Holly - Female Australian Cattle DogJack Russell Terrier Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website. Looking for the next STAR of your family The first step is to fill out an adoption application Hello my name is Holly. I m a 7 month old Australian Cattle Dog Jack Russell mix. I have energy and love to play with other dogs and I am fine with cats. After I m done playing I do like to relax on the couch with my foster mom. I m potty trained and like to sleep at the foot of the bed at night. I love to play with all kinds of toys and I m just waiting for a furever family to call my own.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet. All STAR animals come fully vetted Up to Date on shots (UTD) spay and neutered (if of age ) and microchipped. Please fill out an adoption application and start the process for your new family member AGE DISCLAIMER Unfortunately most of the orphaned animals that come into our rescue looking for homes don t bring birth certificates. Sometimes we know our pets ages. Sometimes we don t. So we make our best guess based on the condition of their teeth and the veterinarians best guess. BREED DISCLAIMER Visual breed identification in dogs is unreliable so for most of the dogs we are only guessing at predominant breed or breed mix. We get to know each dog as an individual and will do our best to describe each of our dogs based on personality not by breed label . Microchips For the safety of our dogs and peace of mind of our fosters and adopters STAR microchips all dogs prior to adoption with Petlink Microchips. Please understand that all dogs MUST still wear a collar with ID tags (which include your current information) AT ALL TIMES. Please remember our foster dogs are extremely important to us-- we will always take any of our dogs back if for any reason you can t keep your adopted dog. Never surrender him her to a shelter ... More Info



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