Summer is coming Is your car ready A time of road trips and road rage swimming and sweating. High temperatures damaging your battery stop-and-go traffic and high use of the air conditioner all come together to put a serious burden on that 4-wheeled friend of yours. Out here in the Desert you know how hot it can be and whether your vehicle is in the right working condition for you to have a cool and refreshing summer is up to you So let us help you. Here at Universal Collision Center we can prepare your vehicle for the hot summer days ahead. Here s a list for you to make sure your vehicle is up to speed this summer 1.Have your A C serviced2.Replace Coolant 3.Check Battery4.Look over your tiresSo come in so we can assist you in helping to finish your vehicles check list above. We have afforadle prices and hard working mechanics that want to help get you off to a great start Check out our website at OR call us at (760) 342-3845Business hours Mon.- Fri. 8am -5pmThank you for services and WE know we ll be seeing you soon



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