Devine 6110 - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

Devine is available and waiting at the shelter for a new home. Come by the shelter Tuesday - Friday 12-6pm and Saturday 10-2pm. Devine is a bit timid and should go to a home without small children. Bring in any other dogs in the home for a meet and greet to make sure everyone gets along.All animals will be spay or neutered before leaving the shelter. You can now pre-pay for an animal if they are not already fixed. Once they are spay neutered you will be able to take them home. Pre-payment must be done in person and in cash.Follow us on Facebook (at) Genesee County Animals in Need of Homes and RescueGenesee County Animal Control - 4351 W Pasadena Avenue - Flint MI 48504... More Info



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