Assistant Teacher School Age Childcare - Compensation: Based on

POSITION TITLE Assistant Group Supervisor LOCATION York Branch Location 90 N. Newberry Street York PA 17401 POSITION TYPE Part Time Hours Monday through Friday 5 45 a.m. to 8 00 a.m. 2 45 p.m. to 6 00 p.m. General Function The assistant teacher is a direct care position with children helping and supervising their activities in a safe and healthy environment. All employees must reflect the YMCA of York and York County s core values of caring honesty respect and responsibility when carrying out their job functions. Qualifications As per Department of Public Welfare an Assistant Group Supervisor shall have attained one of the following qualifications 1. A high school diploma or a general educational development certificate and 30 credit hours from an accredited college or university in early childhood education child development special education or the human services field. 2. A high school diploma or a general educational development certificate including 600 or more hours of secondary training described in section 3270.31(c) (relating to age and training). 3. A high school or general educational development certificate 15 credit hours from an accredited college or university in early childhood education child development special education or the human services field and 1 year of experience with children. 4. A high school diploma or a general educational development certificate and completion of a post-secondary training curriculum described in section 3270.31 (c). 5. A high school diploma or general educational development certificate and 2 years experience with children. And 6. Obtain a state police clearance a Childline clearance a negative Mantoux TB test and a physical. 7. Must have or obtain CPR and AED certification. The assistant teacher needs to be of good physical and mental health and have a genuine interest in children and their development. BENEFITS Use of the facility during season of employment Qualified candidates should submit their resume and cover letter hr(at) or mail to Human Resources Department YMCA of York and York County 90 N Newberry Street York PA 17401 The YMCA of York and York County is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer.



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