AKC Labrador puppies

AKC Labrador puppies. Located just west of Ft Worth TX. Visit Lilly s Lovely Labs facbook group or Instagram for more updated info Born February 6th. Both Parents on site We can take cash PayPal or checks for deposit but would prefer cash at pickup if possible.Currently have 3 Chocoalte Females 2 Yellow females 2 chocolate males and 4 Yellow males. Contact for updated info. 650 per puppy - 250 non refundable deposit and remainder 400 by pickup. Will post sold on the picture when deposit is received and will only hold puppies long enough to receive the deposit depending on method.This will include up to date shots and deworming dew claw removal full rights AKC papers and a goody bag to go home.Will be ready to go home by April 3rd but weekends would always be better. If you have any other questions just let me know.Thank you for any interest



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