Dream Yard Sale

We ve moved 2 giant storage units to our home for a giant yard sale for an estate sale client. We needed space for all the items So come shop in the shade with us. FurnitureHouseholdGardenToysDVD CDsToolsHolidayDecorRugsAll priced to go. DATE June 15 and 16TIME 9-3 DailyHalf Price on the 16th (excludes appliances)1800 Camas Drive (in Wells Branch)Austin Texas 78728 Cash or Credit Debit with 3% fee only no checks No early birds unless you want to work helping set up No phone calls to hold items Not going to answer requests for dimensions...come see for yourself Must take purchases day of sale No holds without full payment Bring help to load large items All sales are final and items are as is Please keep your children with you as we live on a busy street No restrooms are available. Private home yard sale. Come out and take home a treasure of your own



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