SABRINA - Female Ragdoll

Sabrina is as sweet and cuddly as she is beautiful She s a very special girl who needs a very special home. You see she recently underwent surgery for the removal of a cancerous mass. The mass was definitely malignant. The previous owner perhaps being unable to deal with the diagnosis decided to relinquish Sabrina back to Lifeline. Now we are looking for either a foster home or an adoption. Sabrina is SOOO lovable and playful--you would never know she just had a very difficult surgery. The entire veterinary staff fell in love with her Not a shy bone in her little body--she s loving and friendly to everyone and gets along with other kitties too. We don t know how long she has but while she is here Sabrina totally deserves to be loved and pampered in a loving home where with Lifeline as part of her team she will get the attention and care she needs to thrive. Born 2011. Just look at her Call -----X or see our online adoption application at -.-----.-.... More Info



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