Laiken (deaf) - Female Australian Cattle Dog

New to OCDRT on 3 6 2016 from Louisiana. Laiken (LAYkin) is being fostered in Creston Ohio. Laiken (means Precious Treasure) is around 5 months old and 31 . Around 10 weeks of age she was owner surrendered to a vet clinic when it was discovered she is deaf. A Rescue stepped up for her and gave her very good care until OCDRT was asked to help. We happily said yes if she could make it to us. After a 2 day transport Laiken arrived very calm and friendly. She did amazing in her transport and was quite the social traveler. Laiken wanted to meet her foster siblings after touring the yard so we complied. She did very well and started playing. We will schedule her spay and microchip (3 24) and finish her vaccines. Laiken will be crate trained work on house training foundation skills and general obedience. She will require an ACD savvy home & deaf dog experience is a plus. Check back for updates as she settles in over the next two weeks. If you would like to donate a monthly 30 sponsorship or donate towards a fosters excessive medical bills please go to -.----X.- donate - we thank you ADOPTION INFORMATION P lease email ---X(at)--- for an adoption application as this is the first step to the adoption process. We are better able to suggest a potential match after reviewing your completed application. We require a telephone interview check references home support visit & a contract and adoption fee of 250 applies. All our foster dogs are altered heartworm tested and kept on prevention tick borne disease tested receive DHLPP Bordatella Lyme & Rabies vaccine fecal tested & de-wormed as necessary micro-chipped any additional medical concerns or behavior concerns are addressed crate trained leash trained and are kept on a premium food. PLEASE NOTE This Rescue is not a public shelter. This dog is being fostered in a private home until adoption. Our fosters are adopted on first come first serve basis. We process applications in the order received. If approved for adoption a deposit is required to hold the dog until a meeting can be arranged. We do require prospective adopters to travel to the home of the foster dog along with all family members including any resident dog(s). This is the only way to see the known temperament of our fosters dogs while they are in the home they feel is theirs . Any behavior concerns with meeting new people dog(s) on their home turf will be visible at the meeting.



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