2008 GMC Acadia SLE-1 - Price: $14,987

Acadia SLE-1 4D Sport Utility 3.6L V6 MPFI VVT 6-Speed Automatic Electronic with Overdrive FWD Blue-Gold Crystal Metallic and Ebony w Premium Cloth Seat Trim. Thompson s is family owned and operated in Springfield since 1919 This is what will make your family vacations even more fun...A 2008 GMC Acadia This SUV has plenty of passenger space and a hatch area with cargo room galore. Awarded Consumer Guide s rating of a Midsize SUV Best Buy in 2008. New Car Test Drive said ...With its pleasant manners considerable space and good fuel economy the Acadia is a good crossover choice better than a truck-based SUV for anyone who doesn t need to tow a heavy trailer... In business since 1919 and remember..The Thompson Boys are Dealing



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