GEORGIE-such a great dog - Male Jack Russell Terrier

GEORGIE was a stray dog unwanted and ended up almost losing his life at a county kill shelter. He is such a sweet and smart boy loves people and seems to be wonderful with all the other dogs at the foster home. No problems at all with this boy. We think he is 5-6 yrs old. All dogs that are adopted from almost home rescue are neutered or spayed up to date on all vaccines microchipped and tested for heartworms. Georgie is on treatment for heartworm infection. His new adopters will be supplied with everything they need to continue his treatment. --- Adoption fee 200. -- To adopt -- YOU MUST COMPLETE AN ADOPTION APPLICATION FIRST TO BE CONSIDERED TO ADOPT. Go to to fill out an online application.This dog will only be adopted to someone with a securely fenced yard. Underground fencing is NOT safe for a Jack Russell. It is required that the household have no small children (under 6) as terriers do NOT make good pets for households with very young children and no small animals (cats birds ferrets hamsters etc.) as terriers were bred to hunt and can kill small animals. Jack Russell terriers are not suited to apartment or condo life and it would be unwise to expect them to be anything other than what they were bred to be. The hunting instincts and prey drive cannot be trained out of these terriers and they will stay active in this way all their lives even up to 15 to 16 years old and older. For more information please send an e-mail to -----X(at)--- or call -----X.... More Info



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