Apollo - Male Chesapeake Bay Retriever Mix

We welcome Apollo Chesapeake Retriever mix to the PCHuS family. This guys is amazing Super sweet super fluffy super mellow. And super big at over 80 pounds We love him already He is going to make someone very happy Come on out and see him he will steal your heart Adoption Applications can be submitted at -.--XX.- under Adoptable Animals tab. Please allow 48 hours for a response during normal business hours. (Wednesday-Friday 11-6 and Saturday 10-2). Applications can also be submitted over the phone -----X during normal business hours. Adoption fees include Spay Neuter age appropriate vaccines microchip dewormed heart worm check (negative) current on flea tick medication heart worm preventative and 30 Days of Free Pet Insurance. Also included is any other treatments needed for the health of the pet (dental cleaning mass removals etc. if applicable) Thank you for your interest in adopting a shelter pet. Please reach out to us if you have not been contacted within 48 hours. Email -----XX(at)---... More Info



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