Lighting for Special Events

Lighting design & installation available for all types of events Weddings Quinceaneras birthdays corporate events church events community events SXSW productions expos and more.Create your own vision from our design & installation packages OR DIY with our rental packages. Either way our experienced light artist is available for your free consultation. We fit every budget small or large. Our equipment is top-notch and readily available for your event. Call us today for quotes and for a FREE consultation. Pick our brains if you need help with designing your lighting for your upcoming event then find out what fits your needs the most.We have over 20 years experience with lighting & audio visual. We design & install getting the job done in time and within budget. We don t just hang lights we create them Call today and ask for Nancy or tell Richard -Nancy sent you for VIP treatment-. We are locally owned and operated. Don t hesitate to ask to come to one of our many on-going events to experience our lighting first-hand. (512)388-8203 E-mail Nancy (At) Web Event set-up & Tear down Event rentals Lighting Design Permanent installations for your home commercial building school church etc.Some of what we do (Not limited THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS ) If you prefer to keep it simple Up-lighting with lighting that flashes to the musicColor changing LED up-lighting String globe lighting in tulle from the ceilingMonograms for dance floors or walls- Can be initials logos quotes names anything HD Projector PackagesEvent lighting sound & video For interactive lighting Interactive art installations Interactive performancesSynth-A-Beams Mood Lighting Exterior lightingColor changing tree lightingStage lightingCourtyard lightingInterior LightingString lighting covered in tulleDancing monograms in multi colorsENDLESS POSSIBILITIESCall Richard or Nancy for more information today. (If Richard picks up tell him Nancy sent you )



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