Kenzie - Female Australian ShepherdDoberman Pinscher Mix

Please contact Our Adoption Counselors (-X(at)-------) for more information about this pet.Please check with us often for adoption specials fundraisers and special events that benefit the homeless animals at our shelter. This little playful ball of joy is Kenzie she is a beautiful Australian Shepherd Doberman mix born February of 2015. Kenzie was brought to the Humane Society as a Shelter Transfer and is now searching for her ideal forever home. Kenzie is a sweet energetic girl and needs an active family. She loves to go for walks runs and play with her toys. She gets along fine with other dogs and cats as well. Kenzie is the type of friend you have been looking for she is always happy to see you and ready to go for whatever is next If you think you and Kenzie would be a good match come and get to know her a bit Thank you for considering one of our pets ... More Info



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