Number Six a leopard gecko - Male Gecko

Adoption info is at our website and should be read before emailing for more info. -.-----.- Inquiries asking about adoption procedures will be ignored. DO NOT CONTACT US ASKING HOW TO ADOPT. GO TO OUR WEBSITE AND APPLY THERE.Number Six a leopard gecko is a approximately 3 years old and 8 inches long. They are in rescue because the owner was moving. Health issues NONE. This gecko is LARGE for a leo and he is lovely. DO NOT CONTACT US ASKING HOW TO ADOPT. GO TO OUR WEBSITE AND APPLY THERE.VARR expects potential adopters to research the species prior to contacting us. We will ship using FedEx overnight if temps are reasonable. DO NOT CONTACT US ASKING HOW TO ADOPT. GO TO OUR WEBSITE AND APPLY THERE.Adoption info is at our website and should be read before emailing for more info. -.-----.- Adoption fees are as follows Small lizards 25 (EX leopard geckos crested geckos etc.)Small snakes 25 (EX most colubrids like ratsnakes kingsnakes hognoses etc.)Medium lizards 35 (EX bearded dragons blue tongued skinks etc.)Medium snakes 35 (EX ball pythons blood pythons etc.)Large lizards 50 (EX tegus iguanas most monitors etc.)Large snakes 50 (EX redtailed boas Burmese pythons Reticulated pythons etc.)Turtles and tortoises 35Amphibians 10- 25Invertebrates 25Once an application has been approved a signed legal adoption contract is required. To see what you will be agreeing to see the sample contract at -X -.-----.- sample.html. Not every animal is approved for breeding and special requirements exist if the animal is adopted by an educational institution.... More Info



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