Fiona (Jim) - Female German Shepherd DogCollie Mix

These puppies were rescued from a high kill shelter and are now available for adoption They have been vaccinated vet checked health certified and dewormed. -Date Posted 3 9 16 -Age 8 -10 Weeks -Breed German Shepherd Collie - of Males in Litter 1 - of Females in Litter 2 -Personality Great with kids cats and dogs -Adoption Fee 280.00 -Hours 8 30am-8 30pm 7 days a week most holidays by appointment only -Contact Jim -----X We are located in Earlville NY All adopters get free health insurance for 30 days. See all puppies and fill out an adoption application at -.-----XX.- Our locations sell crates playpens and starter kits (leash collar harness food toys treats bowl etc) for adopters.



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