Rainbow - Female Domestic Shorthair Mix

Please contact C.A.R.E. for more information about this pet.RainbowDomestic Shorthair 2 years old Torbico (Tortie Calico White) Spayed female.I am a lovely kitty with striking Tortoiseshell Tabby White and Calico markings. My purrsonality matches my beauty and I m one of the nicest kitties you ll ever meet. While you pet me I ll make biscuits and knead my front paws on your lap. I am very dainty and small and look much younger than my age. Would you like a kitty who is a work of art Come meet me at C.A.R.E Adoption Information Children YesCats Yes should get along with other friendly catsDogs Yes should do fine with cat friendly dogsMedical Rainbow is currently receiving medication for a common parasite but should be better soon.Rainbow is microchipped spayed and has had a full veterinary checkup and vaccines. If you are interested in meeting Rainbow please fill out our online adoption survey care-evanston.org cat-adoption-survey... More Info



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