Lilah - Female Yorkie Yorkshire TerrierMiniature Pinscher Mix

Lilah is very adorable but a shy little girl being the smallest in the litter the world is much bigger to her. She loves to sit on your lap and cuddle she will play with toys dogs or people. She was born on 12 18 15 and believe it nor not her mom is a Min Pin and her dad is a Terrier mix that looks similar to her and her sister. She is not comfortable around big dogs but she does like small dogs.She is a tiny girl a little over 2 lbs and she has had her first set of shots has been spayed microchipped and dewormed. Her adoption fee is 225. If you would like to meet Lilah you must complete an adoption application at -X -.---.- chihuahuarescueandrehab PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ OUR ADOPTION GUIDELINES EITHER ON THE TOP OF OUR FB PAGE OR ON OUR WEBISTE.... More Info



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