Zoe - Female Labrador Retriever

ZOE is an 8 month old spayed yellow female Lab who weighs 30 pounds. She is an energetic pup who needs lots of exercise and playtime. . Zoe is crate trained and house trained. She loves to snuggle and play in the yard. She is good with other dogs but would prefer one who is up to her level of activity. Zoe is approved for kids ages 7 . More info soon This dog is available for adoption from Lab Rescue LRCP. Lab Rescue LRCP rescues and places dogs in Maryland Virginia Washington DC West Virginia Pennsylvania Delaware and northeast North Carolina (30 miles east of I-95 and north of the Pamlico Sound) Adopters must travel to Maryland Virginia or Washington DC with their family - human and canine - to meet the dog they want to adopt. Lab Rescue LRCP has between 50 - 80 dogs available for adoption from foster homes across Maryland and Virginia and at monthly adoption events. The adoption event dates are listed at -.----.-. If you are interested in adopting please visit -.----.- and complete an adoption application. Within a few days of submitting an application you will hear from an Adoption Coordinator who will guide you through the adoption process. An adoption fee is charged to cover the cost of veterinary care and a home visit is required.... More Info



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