Sheena - Female Labrador Retriever Mix

NAME SHEENAGENDER FemaleBREED Lab MixCOLOR WHITE & BEIGEAGE 3 months oldWEIGHT 12lbsSPAY OR NEUTER YesMICROCHIP YesIf you would like to give Sheena a forever home please go to -.----.- to fill out an online application.Meet adorable Sheena Sheena is a gentle happy and very well-mannered pup Sheena and her sister Sheena are doing very well in their foster home. She loves everyone she meets and is the cutest little pup Sheena is also super with dogs and loves to play with both big and small dogs. She is also very good with the foster family s son who is 8 years old. Sheena is by nature a good temperament puppy and with some basic training she will sure grow up to be a wonderful dog Sheena & Sheena were living as homeless puppies surviving on garbage. There are barely any food and shelter in the mountain where they were found. A kind lady who often feed the strays in the area heard them crying out of starvation. They could barely stand on their four feet as they were so weak. She didn t have the heart to see them homeless on the road but couldn t take them home as she lives in a tiny apartment and not financially sound. She called several rescue groups and no one was willing to take them in. Through the vet s referral she found their now foster mom. Their foster mom is an experienced dog rescuer and found over thousands of dogs loving homes. She knew it was urgent to take them home and promised them a good life Sheena & Shea had a complete health checkup. They are healthy puppies. They had all 3 of their puppy vaccinations rabies shot spayed and microchip. Sheena & Shea are ready for their own forever homes or a loving home together. Please watch Sheena & Shea s YouTube videos below -X -XX.XX bi9dKCG854c - Shea & Sheena playing-X -XX.XX _aWjAhm_MUM Shea & Sheena no food aggression-X -XX.XX -LJ4i_D5Tno Shea & Sheen walk on leash-X -XX.XX de1e0MlTXDk - Shea & Sheena crate trainedIf you would like to give Sheena forever home please go to -.----.- to fill out an online application.Please upload your home environment photos so that we can do an online home visit. Once we received your application we will get back to you ASAP. Adopt a Doggie Facebook -XX -.--XX.- pages Adopt-a-Doggie 312107112299799 Facebook rescue page Mary s Doggies-XX -.--XX.- marysdoggiesTemperament Energy Level MediumIdeal home environment Both Quiet & ActiveIs the dog good with strangers Friendly a little shy at firstThe dog is best with children of what age group Any agesIs the dog good with other dogs Yes good with small and big dogsIs the dog good with cats YesGood on leash YesHousetrained YesCrate-trained YesHow is the dog with men Friendly a little shy at firstFood aggression with people NoFood aggression with dogs NoHas the dog bitten anyone NoMedical Information Vaccination HistoryVaccination date 01 20 2016 & 02 20 2016Rabies shot 03 01 2016Idexx 4-1 Kit Test Result negativeHeartworm Test Result negativeGiardia Test Kit Result negativeDeworming Date 1st day of each monthHeartworm Preventative Date 1st day of each monthFrontline Date 1st day of each month... More Info



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