Winwalker (Winnie) - Female Quarterhorse

Winnie came to SHARE as a chestnut weanling with a big blaze and a white sock who came from the Muncie IL. Winnie has grown up to be quite a lovely lady. She is easy to handle and loves people. She is going to make someone a great horse Winnie is now 3 years old and looking for her forever home Her adoption fee is 500.She is approved for adoption in Illinois or a neighboring state.Adopters must be 21 or older if you are under 18 please have a parent contact us as our adoption agreement is a legal agreement which must be made with an adult. We do welcome volunteers of any age those under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. For more information visit our website at -X -.X-X-X-X-X.- to review our Adoption Requirements or fill out an... More Info



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