Upcoming Project in Kanakapura Road, Bangalore call proptiger -

Golden Gate Panorama is a world class project with full of amenities at affordable price. This time the company has launched a beautifully designed residential township named as Golden Panorama.. It Offer 2BHK 3BHK and 4BHK appartment. Possession Date Sep 2015 Address Kanakapura road Bangalore Type------Size 2BHK 2T 1210 sq ft 48.4 Lacs(4000 sq ft) 2BHK 2T 1315 sq ft 52.6 Lacs(4000 sq ft) 3BHK 3T 1725 sq ft 69 Lacs(4000 sq ft) 4BHK 4T 3100 sq ft 1.55 Cr(5000 sq ft) Amenities - Golden Gate Panorama Swimming Pool Club house Gymnasium Multipurpose Hall. Skating rink. Aroma Gardens. Cricket Pitch with Nets. Badminton Court. Amphi Theatre. Departmental Stores. Jogging Track Children s play area Multipurpose Room Contact Information - For Further Details visit - www.proptiger.com p-golden-gate-panorama-kanakapura-road-bangal ore.php 91 92788 92788 (IND) www.proptiger.com support(at)proptiger.com



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