Has it been 3 months already.... Well then come on down to Universal Collision Center In Indio CA. and give your car the attention it deserves. Engine Oil is used for lubricating all engine components. Although the main function is to lubricate all moving parts It also cleans prevents corrosion improves sealing and cools the engine by carrying heat away from internal moving parts. Oil undergoes thermal breakdown due to high operating temperatures when this occurs the oil becomes less effective as a lubricant without a good lubricant internal components of the engine rub together and wear each other out. In general an oil change is a cheap insurance policy against major repairs down the road... So feel free to come by at 83-816 Ave.45 Indio Ca. 92201 or call us at (760)342-3845 for any questions you might have. Thank you and we look forward to meeting with you soon ) Go and like us on Facebook..s www.facebook.com pages Universal-Collision-Center 383495271755671



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