McDreamy 106773 - Male Domestic Shorthair

I m not a TV doctor but I am dreamy McDreamy is a cute little boy under 5 years of age. Our vet estimated his age between 1 and 5 but he s surely on the younger side of that estimate. He s very friendly and active. He s living in a condo with 2 other kitties and he gets along with his roomies. So if you already have a kitty at home that will not be a problem for McDreamy. And if your kitty at home likes to play that s just icing on the cake Please take time to visit McDreamy when you are looking for a fur baby For more information on this cat email --X(at)---X. To fill out an adoption application online you can visit our website at -.--.- click on Adopt a Pet and then click on Apply online to bring up an application. Pets adopted from our shelter are spayed or neutered and receive necessary vaccinations as part of the adoption fee. There are many more animals available for adoption through the York County SPCA. To view more animals please visit -X ----XX.-.- yorkcountyspcacats more-adoptable-cats c1y8x PLEASE NOTE The economy has taken its toll on pets. We currently have many cats looking for forever homes. We are running a 2 Purr Special until further notice. If you have room in your heart and your home for 2 kitty cats you can now adopt 2 cats and the 2nd adoption fee will be waived. Be sure to ask about the 2 PURR SPECIAL when you fill out your application for adoption. ... More Info



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