Black bunnies - Male Dwarf Mix

We have 4 adorable fuzzy baby bunnies available for adoption. Approx. 2-3 mos old. They are so cute and soft All of them do not mind being held. With Easter coming up put a smile on someone s face in the form of a small fuzzy Each bunny comes with a FREE starter cage Adoption Fee 20 plus tax per bunny (FREE starter cage) Cash onlyYou can visit adopt this animal at Central Minnesota Animal Care and Control1021 S. Benton DriveSauk Rapids MN 56379-----XHours are Mon-Fri Noon-4 pm (closed holidays)Most of the animals that come to our shelter were previously strays. We have no background info or vaccination or health history unless we vetted them. We do not DNA test the animals before adoption so we do not know actual breed(s) of the animals. Ages are approximate.... More Info



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