SUMMER Portrait Session ****SALE**** - Price: $50.00

Looking for a quick fun and friendly photography session This might just be the perfect match for you Offering 1 2 hour session with minimum of 25 images provided on CD with print release so NO HASSLES or requirements to purchase your prints through me as many photographers now require. Images can be loaded onto a temporary private E-Album through Google for you to select any images needing enhancement or retouching as well as for your final approval prior to the CD being created. ON LOCATION SHOOT- The weather is AMAZING so let s go outside and play There are so many wonderful spots to utilize for their gorgeous background which will enhance your images and make them much more meaningful than just a canvas backdrop. One of my favorite spots is Daybreak or a few of the Jordan River walkway parks. The State Capitol or Memory Grove are also lovely and who wouldn t love a session at Wheeler Farm If you are wanting more than just a single or couple shoot pricing is negotiable however 50.00 and 1 2 hour just won t work for a family of 6 or more especially if there are young children involved. I would be thrilled to work with larger groups but would like to have a bit more time to ensure we can get some great images that you will treasure. 25.00 deposit required at time of booking. Unfortunately too many people recently have cancelled last minute or just fallen off the face of the earth the day of the photography session. 25.00 is non-refundable EXCEPT under the circumstance that the photographer for any reason has to cancel the original appointment. (This has never happened with me yet) I am able to take credit cards through an online service which allows me to send you an electronic invoice where you pay it online and I never have access to your bank card nor does my computer. Credit privacy is very important to me so I take my customers privacy very serious. Images can be viewed on- Business Facebook Page- Sarah Boynton Photography & photos sarahbethb1 Google and Website coming soon



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