Registered Angus Dispersal

Halter broke VAR Discovery 2240 son - 13 months old Breeding Soundness Exam has been performed and he is ready to go to work - 3500 Reg AAA 18194290 Cow bred to AAR Ten X 7008 SA - 3500 Reg AAA 15648657Halter broke Show Cow bred to Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 - 4750 Reg AAA 17398829Hlater broke Show Cow with show quality bull calf son of AAR Ten X 7008 SA - 4200 Cow Reg AAA 17771191 Calf Reg AAA 18456222Cow heifer calf pair - show quality heifer calf is a daughter of AAR Ten X 7008 SA - 4500 Cow Reg AAA 17767132 Calf Reg AAA 18456223Cow exposed to Registered Angus bull - 3300 Reg AAA 16264513Show quality VAR Index 3282 daughter - 2200 Reg AAA 18406943Show quality Rito 9Q20 of Rita 5F56 GHM daughter - 2400 Reg AAA 18406945Show quality Rito 9Q20 of Rita 5F56 GHM son - 2850 Reg AAA 18406944



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