ABOUT NAS SOLUTIONSAs per the latest market research 98% of the candidate finds it difficult to get a job or to get promoted in a job due to lack of core practical knowledge on HR practical activities. At NAS solutions HR Training helps candidates to learn new skills gaining the core knowledge about human resource tools and honing the abilities via real-time scenarios used in the innovative course.ABOUT THE TRAINING PROGRAMMEWe provide a real time and focused training in HR to the working and freshers as well. The 14 MODULES OF AN HR TRAINING (at) affordable rates are available in lucknow.WHAT YOU LEARN AT NAS SOLUTIONSSTATUTORY & LEGAL COMPLIANCE PAYROLL PROCESSING TAX PLANNING FOR SALARIED EMPLOYEES MS - EXCEL LAB SESSION PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT HR GENERALIST DISCIPLINARY ACTION TERMINATION MISCONDUCT CONTRACT LABOUR (REGULATION & ABOLITION) ACT 1970 TRADE UNION FACTORY ACT 1948 RECRUITMENT & SELECTION PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT FLEXIBILITY EXCLUSIVE (at) NAS SOLUTIONSBackup classes On Thursday (in case you happen to miss a class) Doubt sessions after completion of module. Job placements (both for fresher s & experienced trainees). Test after Completion of Training TYPES OF BATCHESWeekdays ( Mon to Fri) Weekends (Sunday) WHAT MAKES US PROUDWe believe in providing a positive change to the trainee s life. We receive a 4.9 ratings out of 5 We provide a REAL TIME AND FOCUSED TRAINING IN HR Number of successfully placed students PLACEMENTSSONATA MICRO FINANCE PVT LTD Live Today Urban Doors EnY and many more FEE STRUCTURE 15000 - including all charges NAS SOLUTIONSContact 9919999638 7522807600Email training(at)nassolutions.inAddress D-307 Vibhuti Khand Opposite Urdu Academy Gomti Nagar Lucknow-226010



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