Saki and Yoshi - Akita

Located in Mira Loma CAYoshi and Saki are a bonded male and female pair of wonderful Akitas in need of a forever home together after the sudden and unexpected death of their owner in a tragic accident. We are still in the process of making arrangements for these wonderful and deserving dogs to be transferred into rescue but please be the first to submit your application via -----(at)--- to be considered to adopt them.Follow us on Instagram (at) -X ---.- apassionforpaws and on Facebook (at) -XX -.--XX.- pages A-Passion-For-Paws-Rescue-Inc 95142903795 FOR COURTESY POSTINGS PLEASE CONTACT THE SHELTER OR INDIVIDUAL LISTED DIRECTLY for more information on a particular dog.Did you know that you can be a hero If this homeless dog steals your heart and you can t adopt at this time we would welcome you to sponsor his her rescue and save a life. Let us know by emailing us at -----(at)--- THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ANIMAL RESCUE ... More Info



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