Jake - Male BeagleCocker Spaniel Mix

Jake is a 9 year old Beagle and Cocker Spaniel mix. Jake is a very good boy that comes well trained. He knows the commands of sit stay lay and shake. He is a good weight at 30 pounds. Jake is a friendly dog that gets along well with other dog and even cats. He would really love to have another dog in the home to play with. He may be 9 years old but he still has energy for playing and romping. He needs a fenced yard to keep him safe while playing because he is part beagle which makes him adventurous. Jake comes to us as an owner surrender because of a growing family. Jake has been well cared for with regular vet visits good quality food and preventatives for heartworm fleas and ticks. Jake is not a big fan of toddlers and small children but he does the right thing by avoiding them. Jake would rather have a home with adults and older children over the age of 10. If you have small ones that visit occasionally just give Jake a place to get away from them when he wants to. Jake would love to have a home with someone who is home a lot. Jake is well trained but he does not like to be kenneled. Jake is fully vetted and ready for his new home. He is neutered up to date on vaccinations heartworm tested and microchipped. If you would like to open your home to Jake please start the adoption process by completing our adoption application on our website -.----.-. If you have questions about Jake you can contact -(at)-----X or call -----X. Adopters within an hour of Cedar Rapids IA only pleaseIndoor homes only.Adoption donation 200.... More Info



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