Conner - Male Hound (Unknown Type) Mix

Perfection That is the word his foster mom used when asked to describe sweet Conner. Then she said things like awesome and snuggly and one of my favorite fosters ever . We found Conner on the website for a shelter in Arkansas and we couldn t get his sweet face out of our heads. Something about this little boy just melted our hearts. So his soon to be foster mom drove west to AR because she knew there was something awesome about this sweet boy. She knew Conner needed a chance. And apparently he knew this was his shot at a good life so he decided he was not going to mess this one up. In other words Conner brought his A game and has won the hearts of everyone that has the pleasure of meeting him. But now it s time for us to help him find his forever and we truly can t think of a scenario that wouldn t work for him. He s just that easy He loves other dogs but is also ok with just his people and kids and cats are great too. If Conner seems like a good fit for your family (and why wouldn t he be he s perfect) please contact us today. His adoption fee is 500 and includes 2 rounds of puppy vaccinations neuter and microchip all necessary vetting while in our care and transportation to your area.... More Info



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