Buxton 3 bedroom/2 bath home with Great View of the Lighthouse a

Outer Banks Dream House Fully Furnished --Located at 46331 Diamond Shoals Drive Buxton Everything is ready for you to just move in. Great Views of the lighthouse and the ocean. This three story lovely home has wrap around balconies on the second and third. Kitchen and living room area are on the third floor with a half a bath. Large kitchen with a island that has extra seating. Dining room seats eight people with views of pond. Just off the kitchen is a dumbwaiter to bring groceries and other item into the house. Large living room has two full size coachs love seat and lounge chair. Two of the bedrooms are on the second floor and there are 2 bathrooms. Master bedroom sleeps king size bed and second bedroom has 2 full size beds. The third bedroom is on the first floor and currently being used for misc. item. fafda



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