Izzy - Female Domestic Mediumhair

The Woodford Humane Society s mission is to promote the well-being of animals through S.A.V.E Spay neuter Adopt Volunteer and Educate. Are you looking to add an adorable and friendly cat to your life If so then meet Izzy. She is a beautiful cat with a soft fuzzy coat pretty green eyes and a loving personality. This girl is ready to find a forever home where she can curl up on a loving lap bat around cat toys and bask in the sun. If you think Izzy is the one for you stop by the adoption center to meet her or call -----X to learn more The Woodford Humane Society is a non-profit animal organization in Versailles Kentucky. We have welcomed thousands of animals every year since 1975 and strive to find good loving homes for all of them. A careful screening process helps us match the right animals to the right adoptive homes.With no government funding we are completely dependent on private contributions to continue to provide care to over one thousand animals each year. For more information visit -X -.----XX.- .



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